
Civic Education: How can civic education move us towards a vibrant, self-governing society? | PFI at Villa Poranek, 14.06.2024

Civic Education: How can civic education move us towards a vibrant, self-governing society? | PFI at Villa Poranek, 14.06.2024 2048 1365 Philanthropy for Impact

Media in CEE: How can we help catalyse the next wave of public interest media? | PFI at Villa Poranek, 14.06.2024

Media in CEE: How can we help catalyse the next wave of public interest media? | PFI at Villa Poranek, 14.06.2024 2048 1365 Philanthropy for Impact

Philanthropy for Impact. Class of 2024

Philanthropy for Impact. Class of 2024 1759 1251 Philanthropy for Impact

Save the Date: Learning Journey 2024

Save the Date: Learning Journey 2024 2454 1600 Philanthropy for Impact

Impact Investing: Fire and water – can we combine investing with a positive impact on society and the environment? | PFI at Villa Poranek, 16.06.2023

Impact Investing: Fire and water – can we combine investing with a positive impact on society and the environment? | PFI at Villa Poranek, 16.06.2023 2048 1365 Philanthropy for Impact

The Future of Philanthropy: The world-changing role of female philanthropists | PFI at Villa Poranek, 16.06.2023

The Future of Philanthropy: The world-changing role of female philanthropists | PFI at Villa Poranek, 16.06.2023 2048 1365 Philanthropy for Impact

Ukraine’s Recovery: How To Help Ukraine Survive the Peace? | PFI at Villa Poranek, 16.06.2023

Ukraine’s Recovery: How To Help Ukraine Survive the Peace? | PFI at Villa Poranek, 16.06.2023 2048 1365 Philanthropy for Impact